27 Ocak 2016 Çarşamba

                   REFLECTION TASK 2B:

'Intouchable' is a French movie based on two people one of whom is obstacle, rich and around his 50's and the other one who is black, young and poor. There are lots of reasons to watch this movie. First of all, I think that the theme is so great that there is a high possibility of your getting sad because it is touchy. You see both the misery of poor life and the rich life... There is a man who cannot walk,  that's why he needs to be cared and treated well. Because he is rich, he has all the good treatments in his house, but he is not happy. On one hand, we have the black boy who is looking for a job, and he applies for working in the rich man's house to help him with his obstacle. Somehow he is hired and these two men become close friends. The black boy is always with that ill man and tries to make him cheer up by taking him to outside, dancing to him and making jokes about his illness without being offensive. Actually I like the way the black boy acts in terms of his showing that the illness is nothing if you can learn to live with it. I mean, he is always joking about the obstacle the rich man has and both of them laugh at these jokes. That,s why they have a great time because the black boy shows the other man how to live and how to enjoy the life. That is, the film is  full in hope even though it includes grief. Lastly, the background music playing on the movie is impressive and touchy. It really fits to the theme. So, I strongly advise people to watch it

1 yorum:

  1. This movie sounds great. I think I am going to watch it after I am done with this writing. I love your reflection and I don’t see any problem in your grammar.
    We should be hopeful even in our worst times. I love that this movie encourages people to be happy. Most of the movies are sad and I hate it. There is already enough pain in this world, we should try to make life easier with art –movies, paintings, songs etc.—. This movie is good in that way. Also, this movie is good as it has a black character who is not a criminal or a thug. In most of the movies, black people are shown as bad, stupid or poor people. This is not fair. I love that this movie tries to change it. Racism is one of the worst things in this world, it hurts a lot of people and kills the beauty of being all together as different people.So, we should destroy racism and bring love. Thank you for sharing this beautiful movie with us. I hope there always be movies like this because I believe that if people watch, hear or listen to good, positive things they will start to act better. I believe that art is a perfect way of making a better world. Thank you again for your writing.
