27 Ocak 2016 Çarşamba

             REFLECTION TASK 3:
                      THE PERSON OF THE YEAR
If I were a jury member for choosing a person of the year, my candidate most probably would be the one who was one of the most important people in my life but is now dead... He was around his 50's before he died. He is Mr. Böke who was our neighbour and my close friends' father. There are many reasons why he would be the candidate for the person of the year. First of all, he was a retired teacher who was a very caring person about the nature, and therefore, he would always plant many flowers and trees on the garden of the building we live in. When I looked out of the window and saw him watering the plants, I would immediately go down and help him, or we would have fun because he was splashing water on the children of the building. He was like a friend not like a grown person who does not have any enthusiasm for living. Even when I felt lonely since sometimes my friends were out of the city, knowing that he was here and we could have fun even just by having conversation would make me feel peaceful and relieve. He was a great man in my life, and I really miss him. Lastly, he was a great teacher. Even though he was not literally my teacher at the school, I and some other children in the building would go to his apartment. I remember that I would really have fun while I was learning something from him because we were a child, so he would act and teach accordingly. I always see him like an angel having lived on the earth. When I look at the garden now, I still see him , who was my close big friend. His life and effects on me can be written pages and pages, and I even think that writing a just a piece of paper about him is unfair and kind of depressing, but for me, he deserves to be chosen as the person of the year although he is not alive now. I know he would really love me as I would love him. Moreover, I was not able to be at his funeral and say goodbye to him. That's why I feel sorry and I wish he could see me now and could know that I am writing about him. All in all, he is my candidate for the person of the year due to the fact that he was caring, patient, childish, thoughtful, and the fact that I want to apoligize to him by honoring him because I was not able to be at his funeral.
Rest In Peace, my great friend and teacher :(

                   REFLECTION TASK 2B:

'Intouchable' is a French movie based on two people one of whom is obstacle, rich and around his 50's and the other one who is black, young and poor. There are lots of reasons to watch this movie. First of all, I think that the theme is so great that there is a high possibility of your getting sad because it is touchy. You see both the misery of poor life and the rich life... There is a man who cannot walk,  that's why he needs to be cared and treated well. Because he is rich, he has all the good treatments in his house, but he is not happy. On one hand, we have the black boy who is looking for a job, and he applies for working in the rich man's house to help him with his obstacle. Somehow he is hired and these two men become close friends. The black boy is always with that ill man and tries to make him cheer up by taking him to outside, dancing to him and making jokes about his illness without being offensive. Actually I like the way the black boy acts in terms of his showing that the illness is nothing if you can learn to live with it. I mean, he is always joking about the obstacle the rich man has and both of them laugh at these jokes. That,s why they have a great time because the black boy shows the other man how to live and how to enjoy the life. That is, the film is  full in hope even though it includes grief. Lastly, the background music playing on the movie is impressive and touchy. It really fits to the theme. So, I strongly advise people to watch it

      REFLECTION TASK 2A: A Quote by PauLo Coelho


   This is one of the most effective quotes by Pauolo Coelho, who is my favourite writer. He has a distinctive style in terms of the theme of the books, the hidden messages he always wants us to understand and the spiritual issues included in his books. There are lots of quotes, and that's why, it was hard for me to decide to what to choose among these great quotes. Eventually, I decided to reflect my ideas on the quote above... Life consists of our choices and or decisions, and we live this life just for once. When I read this quote, I can say that I get really impressed and start to question the meaning of our lives. We all have desires or aims to be achieved; however, sometimes we cannot achieve our goals because of giving up or some obstacles which usually stem from people's discouraging acts or their struggle to get you down. But, why do we have to care what the others think or what they expect us? No! We do not have to. If there is something in your mind, it means that you actually have a plan in your mind, but somehow you're hesitating to apply it into your life. This may be because you're afraid of being judged or having failure. However, I believe that we all need to be aware of the fact that we will never know what is gonna happen unless we give it a try or take a risk. No matter what the results will be like. At least, we will have the feeling of being comfortable at the end since we will not have any suspect or regret  when we decide to try to make things in our mind come true.

26 Ocak 2016 Salı

PEER EVALUATION 2 simayet: FREE REFLECTIONWe use the colors in every aspect...

We use the colors in every aspect...
: FREE REFLECTION We use the colors in every aspect of our life from decorating to wearing without being aware of their effects on our m...

Peer Evaluation2

Dear Simayet,

Firstly, I see that you chose a good topic,
and it can easily draw people attention because we wonder what the effects of
colors on us.I share the same idea with you when it comes to the color blue
making me feel peaceful and relaxed, and the people who wear red drawing
attention. By the way, I have heard that the it is not advisable to use the
color yellow for children's room because it is assumed that this color may
cause them to be naughty and to have some psychological problems. In addition
to the good topic you chose, I also like the way you write. I could not find
any difficult or scientific word in your paragraph; therefore, everything you
have mentioned is clear. I also realized that you have not used the same
conjuctions again and again. That's why, I think it keeps your writing from
being ordinary and boring. Moreover, using the punctuations correctly makes
your writing much better because it is really essential to prevent the readers
from having confusion when we write something. All in all, I really liked your
post because there are great things included. Thanks for sharing :)

PEER EVALUATION 1 :simayet: REFLECTION  TASK  2a     Media has an enormous e...


     Media has an enormous e...
: REFLECTION  TASK  2a      Media has an enormous effect on people’s perception of beauty. First of all, it leads to the emergence of a...

Dear Simayet
I can say that that is a great writing in terms of your use of language and fluency of the paragraph. When I read the lines, I started to think that the all the facts you've mentioned are totally true. In fact I can even say that sometimes I feel the media's effect on me when it comes to the beauty, fashion and the cosmetics which are shown to people via media. I mean, from time to time I start to check my appearance by comparing mine to the women on TV's, in magazines or on the internet. Therefore, you chose a really great topic to write about. However, I wish you would share your opinions much more on this topic. I mean, what do you really think? Is the effect of media on people that great or true? Isn't there any idea that you disagree with? All in all, I love your writing :)


Being a part of METU Archery Team
        I really would like to join this group because I find archery interesting and I want to give it a try to know whether I can be good at it or not. However, this is not the real reason for me to desire for joining this club because it is not important to learn whether you can be good at any sport. I want to attend this group since this kind of sport requires focus and therefore, I believe that it makes you stronger spiritually. Moreover, I think that since you can become more focused, you can be successful at some other topics in your life and you may even have a strong willpower 
which I do not have enough.Also, it is an interesting sport and I do not think that it is very common in Turkey, so I believe that we can make it more popular...Besides, I have noticed that I really need to do some sports for health and fun; however, I had not been able to find the suitable sports groups for me until I learned that there was an Archery Team. Therefore, it seems that this is the only sports group in which I can be happy and where I think I can come to the meetings and courses willingly. I hope I will be allowed to join you. Be sure that you'll have made a Metu student pleased and grateful if I can attend this group


10 Ocak 2016 Pazar


               Free Reflection

              The movie “Grave of the fireflies” which was directed by Isao Takahata is based on tough times that a little girl, named Setsuko, and her elder brother, named Seita, had during World War II. This movie is one of the most marvelous movies I have watched since it affected me deeply in different ways. First of all, the relationship between these siblings was very touchy because when they lost their parents due to the war, they were miserable, and there was no one apart from their aunt who was pitiless and treated them badly. That is why, they were all alone in those tough times, which is very depressing since they were just children and they had to be strong to survive. Moreover, they had no home to go, as a result of which they started to live in a cave. In that cave, they were spending many beautiful days despite all the hardships they had. In that case, I just admired the purity of the relationship between them because I understood that in hard times there will be no one who helps us, loves us as much as our families do. To exemplify, in the movie the young boy was always trying to be helpful to his little sister by acting as if there was no war because he did not want her to learn the sad truth. That is why, to make her sister full and happy Seita tried many ways to find some food, which was very hard for him because there was food scarcity in the country due to the war. Therefore, he even stole some vegetable in someone’s garden just to protect her sister from malnutrition. Despite all the effort he gave, her little sister could not be saved from dying of malnutrition. Therefore, I could not help crying while watching it. Secondly, I found the name of the movie so meaningful since in this film these two children were catching fireflies so that they could make use of the lights that these insects released and could make the cave light up. So, they were catching fireflies every day, but these insects were dying because their lifespan was too short, and thus, their cave became like a grave of the fireflies. Lastly, the fact that this movie is an adaptation of a novel, written by Akiyuki Nosaka, makes the film much touchier, because Akiyuki Nosaka wrote this novel to show that he feels sorry for his sister and to apologize to her since he could not save her from malnutrition during WW2. That is, this movie is based on a true story, and because of this reason, the impact of this kind of movies on me is always deep. In conclusion, I can say that the movie is exactly worth watching since it makes you realize that how big and pure love these siblings have for each other, and also makes you realize how badly wars affected human life.